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Cell lineage-specific differences in clinical behaviour of non-functioning pituitary adenomas - A systematic review and meta-analysis.
J Clin Endocrinol Metab
van der Hoeven LS, Slagboom TNA, Malekzadeh A, Hoogmoed J, Drent ML, Aronica E, Stenvers DJ, Pereira AM.
PMID: 39982832 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal and gut-brain axes in biological interaction pathway of the depression.
Front Neurosci
Bertollo AG, Santos CF, Bagatini MD, Ignácio ZM.
PMID: 39981404 [PubMed]

Acute hypophysitis with pachymeningitis.
BMJ Case Rep
Sahu M, Chakraborty D, Chatterjee S, Das A.
PMID: 39979035 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide plays a role in neuropsychiatric and substance use disorders: sex-specific perspective.
Front Neurosci
Van Doorn CE, Zelows MM, Jaramillo AA.
PMID: 39975969 [PubMed]

Magnetic resonance imaging -based radiomics of the pituitary gland is highly predictive of precocious puberty in girls: a pilot study.
Front Endocrinol (Lausanne)
Maddalo M, Petraroli M, Ormitti F, Fulgoni A, Gnocchi M, Masetti M, Borgia E, Piccolo B, Turco EC, Patianna VD, Sverzellati N, Esposito S, Ghetti C, Street ME.
PMID: 39974824 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Hypopituitarism presenting with cardiovascular manifestations: a case report.
BMC Cardiovasc Disord
Zhen X, Li Y, Ren C, Li M.
PMID: 39972417 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

A Case of Pseudo Prolactin Elevation Caused by Medication.
Clin Lab
Sun HG, He LQ, Liu LB.
PMID: 39967525 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Effect of pergolide treatment on insulin dysregulation in horses and ponies with pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction.
Equine Vet J
Galinelli NC, Bamford NJ, Erdody ML, Mackenzie SA, Warnken T, Harris PA, Sillence MN, Bailey SR.
PMID: 39967360 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Impact of strict IGF1 control on quality-of-life scores in patients with acromegaly.
Front Endocrinol (Lausanne)
Gandhi C, Denis MC, Holmes D, Rivera J, van Uum S, Ezzat S, Chik C.
PMID: 39959623 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Early Postoperative Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Transsphenoidal Pituitary Surgery: A Systemic Literature Review and the Proposed Imaging Algorithm.
Modak A, Gross E, Yang A, Mullick M, Jani RN, Williams BJ.
PMID: 39958018 [PubMed]

Maternal Childhood Trauma and Offspring Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Function from Infancy to 6 Years of Age.
Dev Psychobiol
Loheide-Niesmann L, Beijers R, de Weerth C, Cima M.
PMID: 39957336 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Impact of copper nanoparticles (CuNPs) on hypothalamic GnRH and pituitary gonadotropins secretions in a male mouse: An immunohistochemical study.
J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol
Nicy V, Gurusubramanian G, Roy VK.
PMID: 39954793 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Evaluation of fluid status in patients with acromegaly through bioelectrical impedance vector analysis: a cross-sectional study.
J Endocrinol Invest
Varaldo E, Prencipe N, Berton AM, Cuboni D, Aversa LS, Sibilla M, Mocellini F, Bioletto F, Ghigo E, Gasco V, Grottoli S.
PMID: 39954196 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Finger-like protrusions in adamantinomatous craniopharyngiomas: implications for recurrence and prognosis following complete tumor resection and predictive factors.
Neurosurg Rev
Ren Q, Fu J, Wu B, Xie S, Tang B, Hong T, Wu J.
PMID: 39954160 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Integrated transcriptomic hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis network analysis reveals the role of energy availability on egg production in layers.
Anim Nutr
Peng J, Cui Y, Liang H, Xu S, Weng L, Ru M, Ali R, Wei Q, Ruan J, Huang J.
PMID: 39949733 [PubMed]

Postpartum pituitary necrosis and hypopituitarism, a sequela of severe falciparum malaria in pregnancy - a case report.
J Pak Med Assoc
Ahmed M, Ahmed S.
PMID: 39948798 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

The impact of pituitary stalk sacrifice on recurrence and endocrine dysfunction during craniopharyngioma surgery: a systematic review of the literature.
World Neurosurg
Bobeff EJ, Szmyd BM, Shen M, Jaskólski DJ, Schwartz TH.
PMID: 39947319 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Optimizing diagnostic strategies for central adrenal insufficiency in pituitary disease.
Eur J Endocrinol
Haberbosch L, Meyer NMT, Lechner L, Jensen M, Soll D, Kozarzewski L, Hesse L, Blankenstein O, Hubertus V, Vajkoczy P, Strasburger CJ, Spranger J, Maurer L, Mai K.
PMID: 39945491 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Flow cytometry immune profiling of recurrent and newly diagnosed growth hormone secreting pituitary neuroendocrine tumors: comparison of two clinical cases.
BMC Endocr Disord
Lisina D, Mazeeva V, Zakharova E, Sorokina A, Dzhemileva L, Grigoriev A, Azizyan V, Shutova A, Pigarova E, Dzeranova L, Melnichenko G, Rumiantsev S, Mokrysheva N, Chekhonin V, Loguinova M.
PMID: 39939927 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Phenotype and genotype of 23 patients with hypopituitarism and pathogenic GLI2 variants.
Eur J Endocrinol
Aouchiche K, Charmensat C, Morgane P, Teinturier C, Bretones P, Brac de la Perriere A, Layet V, Bouhours-Nouet N, Vantyghem MC, Haine E, Nunes-Sanchez ML, Camard O, Baron S, Castinetti F, Barlier A, Brue T, Reynaud R, Saveanu A, Genhypopit Network.
PMID: 39938560 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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