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Vaginal bleeding during pregnancy and adverse pregnancy outcomes: a nationwide population-based retrospective cohort study in Iran.
BMC Pregnancy Childbirth
Tahmasebifard M, Afrashte S, Hajipour M, Zamani B, Rezaeian S.
PMID: 39984896 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Establishment and validation of a nomogram for predicting preterm birth in intrahepatic cholestasis during pregnancy: a retrospective study.
BMC Pregnancy Childbirth
Xie W, Ji L, Luo D, Ye L, Li Q, Kang L, He Q, Mei J.
PMID: 39984873 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Maternal and perinatal outcomes of sickle cell disease in pregnancy: A nationwide study in France.
Br J Haematol
Corsia A, Joseph L, Beeker N, Manceau S, Driessen M, Meunier B, Cavazzana M, Collier M, Treluyer JM.
PMID: 39984807 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Reduced low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels are associated with increased risk of gestational diabetes mellitus in Chinese women.
Sci Rep
Zeng S, Liu Q, Wu Y, Bai H, Fan P, Liu X.
PMID: 39984726 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

PM(2.5) and its components and hospitalization for hypertensive disorders of pregnancy in Henan Province, China, 2015-2021: A case-crossover study.
Am J Prev Med
He H, Zhang Z, Li Z, Jiang S, Zhen L, Mo J, Zhang Y, Wei Y, Wu M, Su X, Wan C, Li R, Wan N, Fu X, Qiu W.
PMID: 39983933 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

The presence, clarity, and consistency of definitions in pregnancy outcomes in infertility trials: a systematic review.
Hum Reprod
Feng Q, Li W, Li W, Wang R, Crispin J, Longobardi S, D'Hooghe T, Mol BW.
PMID: 39983754 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Mediating role of fall fear and exercise self-efficacy in the nexus between low back pain knowledge and kinesiophobia in pregnancy-related low back pain pregnant women.
Sci Rep
Cao Y, Zheng H, Gu Y, Hu F, Zhang W.
PMID: 39984595 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

The PRECISION study protocol: Can cervical stiffness in the second trimester predict preterm birth in high-risk singleton pregnancies? A feasibility, cohort study.
PLoS One
Medford E, Lane S, Sharp A, Care A.
PMID: 39982966 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Cervical cerclage versus cervical pessary with or without vaginal progesterone for preterm birth prevention in twin pregnancies and a short cervix: A two-by-two factorial randomised clinical trial.
PLoS Med
He YTN, Pham HNH, Nguyen TC, Bui TQ, Vuong NT, Nguyen DTN, Le TV, Li W, Le CH, Ho TM, Mol BW, Dang VQ, Vuong LN.
PMID: 39982935 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Changes in pregnancy-related hormones, neuromechanical adaptations and clinical pain status throughout pregnancy: A prospective cohort study.
PLoS One
Daneau C, Nougarou F, Abboud J, Ruchat SM, Descarreaux M.
PMID: 39982927 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Spontaneous conception and pregnancy outcomes after multi-agent chemotherapy and high-dose radiotherapy for pelvic Ewing sarcoma: Case report and literature review.
Int J Gynaecol Obstet
Tosto V, Prefumo F, Scala C, Tallone R, Garaventa A, Podestà M, Maffeo I.
PMID: 39981691 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Adverse fetal and neonatal impact of war conflicts during pregnancy: A systematic review.
Riquelme-Gallego B, Ramos-Soberbio L, Leno-Duran E, Martínez-Vázquez S, Caparros-Gonzalez RA.
PMID: 39981676 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Twin pregnancy in woman with T-shaped uterus from CUME study.
Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol
Ludwin A, Loboda M, Zaborowska L, Martins WP, Ludwin I.
PMID: 39981574 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

A comprehensive review of the roles of T-cell immunity in preeclampsia.
Front Immunol
Peng X, Chinwe Oluchi-Amaka I, Kwak-Kim J, Yang X.
PMID: 39981257 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Immune-neuroendocrine reactivity and features of tuberculosis in pregnancy.
Front Med (Lausanne)
Starshinova A, Churilov LP, Kudryavtsev I, Rubinstein A, Belyaeva E, Kulpina A, Ling H, Zhuang M, Kudlay D.
PMID: 39981081 [PubMed]

A retrospective study of the correlation between high serum ferritin levels and the risk of gestational diabetes mellitus in midpregnant women.
Fan X, Zhang P, Wang L, Song W, Su A, Yu T.
PMID: 39981048 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

A holistic approach is needed for women with an inflammatory arthritis in the different phases around pregnancy; the results of the CAPRI study.
Front Glob Womens Health
van Steensel-Boon AJ, Wintjes HM, Röder E, Smeele HTW, Kranenburg-van Koppen LJC, Dolhain RJEM, Perez-Garcia LF.
PMID: 39980903 [PubMed]

Performance of ultrasound in detecting fetal hypospadias during pregnancy: a pooled analysis.
Zhang Q, Chen H, Wang C, Liu Z, Wei G, Zhang Z, Liu X.
PMID: 39980698 [PubMed]

A cluster randomized stepped wedge implementation trial of scale-up approaches to ending pregnancy-related and -associated morbidity and mortality disparities in 12 Michigan counties: rationale and study protocol.
Implement Sci Commun
Johnson JE, Clement J, Sikorskii A, Loree A, Meulen MV, Roman L, Dearing JW, Bolder H, White JM, Sokol R, Meghea C.
PMID: 39980059 [PubMed]

Controlled ovarian stimulation (COS) with follitropin delta results in higher cumulative live birth rates compared with follitropin alfa/beta in a large retrospectively analyzed real-world data set.
Reprod Biol Endocrinol
Eggersmann TK, Schütt M, Becker J, Kimmel M, Aust H, Winkler J, Freis A.
PMID: 39980039 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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