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Predictive Value of Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio for Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor-Related Myocarditis Among Patients Treated for Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer.
Cancer Innov
Xue J, Liu C, Shao J, Wang L, Han Y, Wang J, Wang J.
PMID: 39981496 [PubMed]

Challenges in Diagnosing and Treating Fungal Endocarditis: A Case Report of Recurrent Candida Endocarditis in a Hemodialysis Patient.
J Saudi Heart Assoc
Almuhammadi GA, Alzughaibi RA, Amer LA, Alzahrani TS.
PMID: 39981063 [PubMed]

Myocarditis diagnosis: From light microscope to molecular analysis and cardiac magnetic resonance.
Eur Heart J Suppl
Thiene G.
PMID: 39980768 [PubMed]

Salmonella-induced pericarditis.
J Infect Dev Ctries
Suranadi IW, Adnyana IKP, Tarini NMA.
PMID: 39977460 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

COVID-19 vaccines do not raise myocarditis and pericarditis incidence: Italian Society of Cardiology registry.
J Cardiovasc Med (Hagerstown)
Birtolo LI, Di Pietro G, D'Ascenzo F, Cuccuru G, Fabris E, Merlo M, Andreis A, Cameli M, Improta R, Campo G, De Ferrari GM, Emdin M, Galassi AR, Iliceto S, Imazio M, D'Agata Mottolese B, Porto I, Montisci R, Novo G, Pavan D, Vizza CD, Maestrini V, Basso C, Perrone Filardi P, Sinagra G, Mancone M.
PMID: 39976066 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Taking ACTION to detect myocarditis related to recombinant gene transfer therapy for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy; Consensus recommendations for cardiac surveillance.
J Neuromuscul Dis
Kaufman BD, Veerapandiyan A, Soslow JH, Wittlieb-Weber C, Esteso P, Olson AK, Shih R, Bansal N, Lal A, Gambetta K, Hsu D, Cripe L, Villa C, Nandi D.
PMID: 39973402 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Acute Myocarditis and Inflammatory Cardiomyopathies: Insights From Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Findings.
Lauriero F, Vita CV, Perazzolo A, Sanseverino G, Moliterno E, Rovere G, Marano R, Natale L.
PMID: 39963997 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and atrial fibrillation: the Cardiomyopathy/Myocarditis Registry of the EURObservational Research Programme of the European Society of Cardiology.
Open Heart
Mizia-Stec K, Gimeno JR, Charron P, Elliott PM, Kaski JP, Maggioni AP, Tendera M, Tavazzi L, Wybraniec MT, Laroche C, Caforio A, EORP Cardiomyopathy Registry Investigators.
PMID: 39961701 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Heart Disease in Children: Inflammatory Syndromes.
FP Essent
Barstow C, Flanagan R.
PMID: 39960778 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Cerebral thrombus analysis as a useful diagnostic tool for infective endocarditis in ischemic stroke patients.
Eur Stroke J
Semerano A, Dell'Acqua B, Genchi A, Sanvito F, Schwarz G, Montano Castillo MA, Bergamaschi A, Sampaolo M, Butti E, Gullotta GS, Piano M, Ripa M, Scarpellini P, Falini A, Panni P, Agostoni EC, Clementi N, Saliou G, Hajdu SD, Roveri L, Michel P, Martino G, Filippi M, Strambo D, Bacigaluppi M.
PMID: 39957015 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Extensive Pericardial Metastasis of Angiosarcoma: Diagnostic Challenge in a Young Case With Effusive Constrictive Pericarditis.
Am J Cardiol
Takahashi T, Teodorescu DL, Kniola W, Luthringer D, Singh S.
PMID: 39954916 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Patient characteristics, presentation, causal microorganisms, and overall mortality in the NatIonal Danish endocarditis stUdieS (NIDUS) registry.
Am Heart J
Hadji-Turdeghal K, Graversen PL, Møller JE, Bruun NE, Povlsen JA, Moser C, Smerup M, Søgaard P, Jensen HS, Jørgensen PG, Jensen AD, Petersen JK, Havers-Borgersen E, Helweg-Larsen J, Faurholt-Jepsen D, Bundgaard H, Iversen K, Østergaard L, Køber L, Fosbøl EL.
PMID: 39954837 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Role of non-coding RNAs in the pathogenesis of viral myocarditis.
Kang Z, Zhang L, Yang Z.
PMID: 39950847 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Bacillus cereus endocarditis: a case-based literature review.
Swiss Med Wkly
Ehrenzeller S, Züger K, Oberli L, Buonomano R.
PMID: 39950760 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Non-Bacterial Thrombotic Endocarditis in Lung Cancer: A Systematic Review.
Curr Cardiol Rev
Kamel M, Hussain F, Leung C, Paracha A, Sathe P, Jassal A, Huba M, Durrani U, Ammari N, Copeland-Halperin RS, Seetharamu N.
PMID: 39950469 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Minimally Invasive Valve Surgery for Patients with Infective Endocarditis: A Comparative Study.
Ann Thorac Surg
Raikar C, Wolfe S, Lagazzi LF, Darehzereshki A, Kister N, Wei L, Badhwar V, Mehaffey JH.
PMID: 39947309 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Systematic review: characteristics of myocarditis followed by fixed drug eruption and dry eye syndrome in patients who have been vaccinated with monkeypox in children and adults.
Front Cardiovasc Med
Mohamad Javier R, Prijanto SA, Yora VS, Yuliana Eka Pratiwi DG, Lilhawa Ditsi ES, Adelia B, Tansuri VC, Wijaya H, Caecarma GY, Damayanti IT, Ramadhanti A, Rahmaputri A, Albab CF, Ferdian A, Farabi F, Ayu FR, Ika Regina Maharani NP, Arifin AP, Herwanto ES, A SR, Arviana SD, Lathifah SN, Yulinar NR, Safitri LS, Adnani B, Fazrian Danu MR, Naomi N, Deria DD, Syifa A, Andana P, Prasetya A, Agfata FR, Margaretha MC, Indrasto SB, Sukirman, Rachmanto, Nufus H, Chandrawati PF, Prasetyo AD, Sutanto L, Sander MA.
PMID: 39944657 [PubMed]

Comprehensive CT study to assess local and systemic involvement in patients with infective endocarditis: experience from a multidisciplinary team of a tertiary referral center.
Radiol Med
Palmisano A, Bruno E, Vignale D, Bognoni L, Ascione R, Ingallina G, Scarpellini P, Ripa M, Carletti S, Bettinelli A, Mapelli R, Busnardo E, Pajoro U, Del Forno B, Trumello C, La Penna E, Maisano F, De Bonis M, Agricola E, Esposito A.
PMID: 39937368 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Myocardial infarction due to non-bacterial thrombotic endocarditis in a patient with oligodendroglioma: an unusual presentation and diagnostic challenge-a case report.
Eur Heart J Case Rep
Miura Y, Kato E, Shiomi H, Horie T, Ono K.
PMID: 39935818 [PubMed]

A Rapid Point-of-Care Ultrasound Diagnosis and Treatment of Tamponade in a Patient With Rare and Lethal Purulent Pericarditis: A Case Report.
Bass AN, Lynch S, Derr C, Gillen J.
PMID: 39931618 [PubMed]

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