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Childhood cancer and parental mental health: role of disease severity, socioeconomic status, and social dynamics.
BMC Psychiatry
Ibrahim H, Ismail AA, Rahim NA, Iffland B, Neuner F.
PMID: 39825357 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

The Role of Machine Learning Approaches in Pediatric Oncology: A Systematic Review.
Elsayid NN, Aydaross Adam EI, Yousif Mahmoud SM, Saadeldeen H, Nauman M, Ali Ahmed TA, Hamza Yousif BA, Awad Taha AI.
PMID: 39822251 [PubMed]

Impact of Methotrexate and 7-Hydroxymethotrexate Exposure on Renal Toxicity in Pediatric Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma.
Cancer Med
Bing H, Ma Y, Xu J, Ling Q, Duan Y, Zhao L.
PMID: 39821645 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Mortality after cancer diagnosis among children with congenital heart disease in Denmark and Sweden.
J Natl Cancer Inst
Kampitsi CE, Kenborg L, Mogensen H, Broberg O, Glimelius I, Erdmann F, Falck Winther J, Feychting M, Tettamanti G.
PMID: 39821282 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Targeted immunotherapy in the treatment of childhood and adolescent classic Hodgkin lymphoma.
Clin Adv Hematol Oncol
Xavier AC, Hochberg J, Cairo MS.
PMID: 39820376 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Prediction values of different lymph nodes staging systems for survival of children with Wilms tumor.
Transl Cancer Res
Chen S, Wan Z, Hu S, Bu W, Lu Y, Zhao Z.
PMID: 39816540 [PubMed]

Feasibility and stage at diagnosis for children with cancer: a pilot study on population-based data in a middle-income country using the Toronto childhood cancer stage guidelines.
de Oliveira Santos M, de Souza PCF, de Lima FCDS, Balmant NV, Motta C, da Costa MG, de Souza Reis R, Gatta G, de Camargo B.
PMID: 39816388 [PubMed]

[Immune thrombocytopenia in people under the age of twenty : a ten-year experience of a pediatric hematology and oncology department in Casablanca].
Rev Med Liege
Benmoussa A, Zahra Loukal F, Dahmaoui N, Cherkaoui S, Lamchaheb M, Qachouh M, Rachid M, Madani A, Khoubila N.
PMID: 39815706 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

The rehabilitation of children with brain tumors using exergames: a scoping review protocol.
Rev Gaucha Enferm
Ribeiro CD, Barbosa PJM, Almeida SSBP, Marques GFDS, Padilha JMDSC.
PMID: 39813465 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Comparative analysis of treatment modalities for pediatric spinal cord glioblastoma: insights from a meta-analysis.
Childs Nerv Syst
Da Cunha AHGB, Guerra PLN, da Silva ICS, Júnior DLB, de Carvalho Júnior EV.
PMID: 39812802 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Thoracoabdominal chordoma in a pediatric patient. A rare entity.
Cir Pediatr
Negrín FJ, Beltrán C, Cortés J, Gómez-Chacón JE, Bordallo MF, Marco A.
PMID: 39812601 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Deep Learning and Multidisciplinary Imaging in Pediatric Surgical Oncology: A Scoping Review.
Cancer Med
Buser MAD, van der Rest JK, Wijnen MHWA, de Krijger RR, van der Steeg AFW, van den Heuvel-Eibrink MM, Reismann M, Veldhoen S, Pio L, Markel M.
PMID: 39812075 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Use of Bibliotherapy for Depression in Pediatric Cancer Patients.
Psychiatr Hung
Çaksen H.
PMID: 39812031 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

The association of perceived health status and presence of chronic conditions with physical activity in childhood cancer survivors.
Support Care Cancer
Janardan SK, Lewis RW, Marchak JG, Mertens AC, Effinger KE.
PMID: 39810051 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

The importance of targeted next-generation sequencing based genomic profiling in the diagnosis of childhood acute myeloid leukemia: a single center experience.
Turk J Pediatr
Kaçar D, Çavdarl, Koca Yozgat A, I, Kurtipek FB, Y, Bayhan T, Gürlek Gökçebay D, Özbek NY, Yaral.
PMID: 39807739 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Primary breast Burkitt lymphoma with lactic acidosis in a child: a case report.
Turk J Pediatr
Müngen E, Kurucu N, Kutluk T, Özcan HN, Kesici S, Orhan D.
PMID: 39807738 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Factors Associated with Psychological Well-Being Among Children Under 18 Years Old with Cancer: A Scoping Review.
Psychol Res Behav Manag
Alya FP, Hendrawati S, Mediani HS.
PMID: 39807478 [PubMed]

Do national cancer control plans address care and research for children, adolescents, and young adults? A review of status, priorities, and recommendations across 41 European countries.
Lancet Reg Health Eur
Prades J, Kozhaeva O, Otth M, Kearns P, Ladenstein R, Rizzari C, Heenen D, Dirksen U, Owens C, Lazarov D, Sheehan C, Borras JM, Vassal G.
PMID: 39807152 [PubMed]

Assessment of Treatment Outcomes and Associated Factors Among Pediatric Patients With Burkitt Lymphoma at Kenyatta National Hospital.
Cancer Rep (Hoboken)
Toor DK, Degu A, Karimi PN.
PMID: 39806864 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Association between obesity and thyroid nodules in children and adults living in iodine-sufficient areas: analysis of cross-sectional data from Tianjin, China.
BMJ Open
Zhang D, Wang Y, Li W, Duan Y, Li F, Cui Y.
PMID: 39806693 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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