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Sie sind hier: Psychiatrie » Angst- und Panikstörungen 22. Februar 2025
Angst- und Panikstörungen
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Angst- und Panikstörungen
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The (neuro)inflammatory system in anxiety disorders and PTSD: Potential treatment targets.
Pharmacol Ther
Sah A, Singewald N.
PMID: 39983845 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

A Nationwide Analysis Demonstrates Anxiety Disorders are Associated with Higher Rates of Pneumonia, Pulmonary Embolism, Deep Vein Thrombosis and Acute Renal Failure Following Hip Arthroscopy for Femoral Acetabular Impingement Syndrome: A Matched-Control Analysis.
Vakharia AM, Paliobeis A, Fortier LM, Hallwachs A, Brown M, Salata M.
PMID: 39983799 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

A randomized controlled trial of beta-blockers effects on cardiac anxiety.
Gen Hosp Psychiatry
Leissner P, Mars K, Humphries S, Jernberg T, Held C, Hofmann R, Olsson EMG.
PMID: 39983429 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

"I'm not alone": perinatal women's experiences in an online self-directed program for perinatal anxiety.
BMC Pregnancy Childbirth
Uchechukwu L, Hardman MP, Hadley I, Gornik ME, Petty SK, Pryor TAM, Alcolado GM, Furer P, Reynolds KA.
PMID: 39984893 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

The Impact of Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback on Anxiety Reduction and Batting Performance Enhancement in Taiwan University Baseball Players.
J Funct Morphol Kinesiol
Su YT, Huang PH, Hsiao TC.
PMID: 39982305 [PubMed]

A Focused Update to the Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Prevention and Management of Pain, Anxiety, Agitation/Sedation, Delirium, Immobility, and Sleep Disruption in Adult Patients in the ICU.
Crit Care Med
Lewis K, Balas MC, Stollings JL, McNett M, Girard TD, Chanques G, Kho ME, Pandharipande PP, Weinhouse GL, Brummel NE, Chlan LL, Cordoza M, Duby JJ, Gélinas C, Hall-Melnychuk EL, Krupp A, Louzon PR, Tate JA, Young B, Jennings R, Hines A, Ross C, Carayannopoulos KL, Aldrich JM.
PMID: 39982143 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Development and Validation of a Predictive Model for Anxiety Trajectories in Patients with Breast Cancer: A Retrospective Study.
Psychol Res Behav Manag
Li X, Wei BK, Li F, Yan HH, Shen J.
PMID: 39980876 [PubMed]

Family study of bipolar disorder with comorbid anxiety disorder points to THSD7A with possible role of parent-of-origin effect.
Maki H, Sakai N, Kataoka M, Fujii K, Kageyama Y, Hayama T, Matsuo K, Nishioka M, Kato T.
PMID: 39980858 [PubMed]

The relationship between anxiety and cardiometabolic risk factors in adolescents with obesity: propensity scores.
Front Endocrinol (Lausanne)
Villasis-Keever MA, Zurita-Cruz JN, Pichardo-Estrada AZ, Mazón-Aguirre WA.
PMID: 39980848 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Effect of Positive Thinking Skills on Optimism and Death Anxiety of COVID-19 Nurses: A quasi-experimental study.
Ethiop J Health Sci
Doustinouri M, Rahnama M, Abdollahimohammad A, Moghadam MP, Moghadam ES, Asadi-Bidmeshki E.
PMID: 39980726 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

The Use of Melatoninergic Antidepressants for Stabilization of Remission in Depression Comorbid with Alcohol Abuse, Anxiety or Neuropsychiatric Disorders: A Systematic Review.
Consort Psychiatr
Klimanova S, Radionov D, Shova N, Kotsyubinskaya Y, Yarygina Y, Berezina A, Sivakova N, Starunskaya D, Yakunina O, Andrianova A, Zakharov D, Rybakova K, Karavaeva T, Vasileva A, Mikhailov V, Krupitsky E.
PMID: 39980619 [PubMed]

Severe preoperative pain, functional decline, and high anxiety levels hinder the efficacy of multidisciplinary interventions in patients who underwent primary total knee arthroplasty.
J Orthop Surg Res
Yang DS, Jeon YD, Kim CR, Kim SG, Park KB.
PMID: 39980003 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Can virtual reality reduce anxiety and pain in dental patients?
Evid Based Dent
Goodship N, Taylor G.
PMID: 39979535 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Protocol for the process evaluation for a cluster randomised controlled trial evaluating primary school-based screening and intervention delivery for childhood anxiety problems.
BMJ Open
Williamson V, Larkin M, Reardon T, Stallard P, Spence SH, Macdonald I, Ukoumunne OC, Ford T, Violato M, Sniehotta FF, Stainer J, Gray A, Brown P, Sancho M, Morgan F, Jasper B, Taylor L, Creswell C.
PMID: 39979045 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

A psychosocial intervention for prenatal anxiety decreases functional disability among pregnant Pakistani women: A moderated mediation approach using data from a randomized controlled trial.
J Psychosom Res
Park S, Malik A, Zaidi A, Perin J, Atif N, Rahman A, Surkan PJ.
PMID: 39978285 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Associations Between Epistemic Trust and the Severity of Personality Disorder: Results From a Study Comparing Patients With Personality Disorder, Anxiety Disorder, and Controls.
J Nerv Ment Dis
Knapen S, Mensink W, Swildens WE, Hoogendoorn AW, Duits P, Hutsebaut J, Beekman ATF.
PMID: 39977240 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Effect of extended nursing based on self-efficacy theory on the anxiety of patients with intertrochanteric fracture.
World J Psychiatry
Yao YM, Shao XY, Sha LL, Qian LL.
PMID: 39974488 [PubMed]

Assessment of the Attitude, Anxiety Episodes and Perceived Psychological Impact of the Pandemic on Medical Undergraduate Students - a Retrospective Study.
Maedica (Bucur)
Chaudhary P, Patra A, Singal A, Arora KK.
PMID: 39974459 [PubMed]

The Association of Family Function with Anxiety and Depression among Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis: a Cross-Sectional Study in Iran.
Maedica (Bucur)
Mohammadi R, Varjoshani NJ, Bousari MP, Ghahremani Z.
PMID: 39974434 [PubMed]

Reduced volume of the mediodorsal and anteroventral thalamus is associated with anxiety in Parkinson's disease: A cross-sectional 7-tesla MRI study.
J Parkinsons Dis
Carey G, Kuijf ML, Michielse S, Wolters AF, Dujardin K, Leentjens AF.
PMID: 39973507 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

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