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Acupuncture for neonatal abstinence syndrome in newborn infants.
Cochrane Database Syst Rev
Urlesberger B, Cabano R, Soll G, Pahl A, Oei JL, Schmölzer GM, Raith W, Bruschettini M.
PMID: 39981752 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Opioid Use Disorders: Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment Strategies to Mitigate Addiction Risks.
Curr Drug Saf
Agarwal U, Singhal K, Tonk RK.
PMID: 39980292 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Initiating buprenorphine to treat opioid use disorder without prerequisite withdrawal: an updated systematic review.
Addict Sci Clin Pract
Adams KK, Waters K, Sobieraj DM.
PMID: 39980050 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Prevalence and predictors of condom use among people who inject drugs in Georgia.
Harm Reduct J
Kajaia M, Butsashvili M, DeHovitz JA, Kamkamidze G, Gulbiani L, Abzianidze T, Djibuti M.
PMID: 39979984 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Impact of UNODC/WHO S-O-S (stop-overdose-safely) training on opioid overdose knowledge and attitudes among people at high or low risk of opioid overdose in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Ukraine.
Harm Reduct J
Dietze P, Colledge-Frisby S, Gerra G, Poznyak V, Campello G, Kashino W, Dzhonbekov D, Kiriazova T, Nikitin D, Terlikbayeva A, Horsburgh K, Busse A, Krupchanka D.
PMID: 39979970 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Perceived discrimination and coping with substance use among Asian Americans during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional analysis.
BMC Public Health
Bacong AM, Maglalang DD, Tsoh JY, Saw A.
PMID: 39979879 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Adaptive decision support for addiction treatment to implement initiation of buprenorphine for opioid use disorder in the emergency department: protocol for the ADAPT Multiphase Optimization Strategy trial.
BMJ Open
Iscoe MS, Diniz Hooper C, Levy DR, Buchanan L, Dziura J, Meeker D, Taylor RA, D'Onofrio G, Oladele C, Sarpong DF, Paek H, Wilson FP, Heagerty PJ, Delgado MK, Hoppe J, Melnick ER.
PMID: 39979056 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Acute and chronic substance use among patients with a road traffic injury in Mexico City.
Salud Publica Mex
Borges G, Orozco R, Borges-Monroy R.
PMID: 39977206 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

New Persistent Opioid Use After Surgery.
JAMA Netw Open
Bologheanu R, Bilir A, Kapral L, Gruber F, Kimberger O.
PMID: 39976966 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Prenatal Opioid Use Disorder and the Risk of Congenital Anomalies in Offspring: A Population-Based Study.
Birth Defects Res
Ramage K, Yee J, Srugo S, Little J, Liu S.
PMID: 39976348 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Parental psychological control and adolescent smartphone addiction: roles of reactance and resilience.
BMC Psychol
Li Q, Liu Z.
PMID: 39972515 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

"We need all hands on deck": characterizing addiction medicine training in Canada-a mixed methods study of fellowship program directors.
Addict Sci Clin Pract
Lu C, Chan K, Martin L, Fairbairn N.
PMID: 39972368 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Mental health conditions of young ethiopians who use substances: a cross-sectional study in West Arsi zone.
BMC Psychiatry
Shifa JE, Adams J, Demant D.
PMID: 39972261 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Explaining electroencephalogram channel and subband sensitivity for alcoholism detection.
Comput Biol Med
Sangle SB, Kachare PH, Puri DV, Al-Shoubarji I, Jabbari A, Kirner R.
PMID: 39970823 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Effect of the Reassured Self-Compassion-Based School Program on Anxiety, Video Game Addiction, and Body Image Among Rural Female Adolescents: Retrospective Study.
JMIR Form Res
Zuair A.
PMID: 39970430 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

The Association Between Mindfulness and Social Media Addiction Among Nurses: A Cross-Sectional Study.
Workplace Health Saf
Kang C, Wang H, Li J, Zhang Q, Xie W.
PMID: 39969066 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Overcoming barriers to traditional care delivery and pharmacy challenges: a qualitative study of buprenorphine, telehealth, and a digital therapeutic for opioid use disorder.
Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy
Monico LB, Eastlick M, Michero D, Pielsticker P, Glasner S.
PMID: 39966974 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Comparing the effectiveness of virtual reality vs 2D display-based cue reactivity paradigms to induce nicotine-craving: a behavioral and psychophysiological study.
Sci Rep
Girondini M, Pieri L, Gallace A.
PMID: 39966540 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Investigating outcomes in a substance use treatment provider: a cross-sectional comparison of long-acting injectable buprenorphine and oral medication for opioid use disorder.
BMJ Open
Montgomery C, Abbasi Y, De Silva D, Gittins R, Jones A, Van Hout MC.
PMID: 39965956 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Coping skills and smartphone addiction in adolescents with ADHD: A predictive model and relationship.
J Child Adolesc Ment Health
Kara T, Kocaman O, Aydo, Kuru T.
PMID: 39962888 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

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